We have compiled a selection of items, divided into three families for you to browse and enjoy, comprising all catalog products (meaning those that we can re-stock in big quantities at any time) and many more.
The division criterion is not based on function, material, size or price range, but on what we call “ratio of uniqueness”.

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“Ratio of uniqueness” (r.u.) indicates the degree of diversity one can expect within items of the same product category. Inside each of the three main families (consistent, differing and unique) there are many product categories: items belonging to a same product category may also present a specific r.u.

All images in this section should be considered “inspirational” as they represent mere fractions of our full selection for each product category and mix objects with different r.u..
Furthermore images are not taken down when the pictured objects are sold. If you seek more information on one or more product categories we invite you to get in touch with us through the client area: you will receive photographic material of all the available items that match your requirements, so you can choose the specific objects you want.

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We call consistent those objects that were manufactured according to a specific construction plan, whose differences are minimal and mainly due to the fact that the material we source derives from diverse productions which took place in different years and different workshops. Accurate descriptions of the small differences you can expect for each type of product are described in our product catalog.
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The items that belong to this family are chairs, stools, pottery and a lot more. Objects that were mainly manufactured as small series, making it today very hard to find more than a few units of perfectly identical products.
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They are most frequently artisanal crafts, often handmade and with a high level of uniqueness. In most cases they belong to consolidated typologies but have features that make them unique (be it the material, dimension or shape), other times they are decorative or artistic objects. It is nearly impossible to find more than two identical objects in this category.